Monday, August 17, 2020

Inculcate Patriotism! Start from home.

The recent unfortunate aircraft crash in Kozhikode did bring memories of other incidents where people have laid down their lives for a bigger cause and towards our Country. And here I’m sharing my thoughts on patriotism on a slightly different perspective, for us to act upon.

For people who have known me, I was fortunate enough to experience from a close range how does the life of a Navy officer go around. For the unknown, my father worked in the navy for 19 years. Like most of the children with similar backgrounds (armed forces), the schooling happened with Kendra Vidyalaya (KV) and that's the best thing today when I look back. Primary education was different in the 1990s and early 2000s. In the last 15 years, it went for a lot of changes both curriculum and expense wise. And with this year pandemic, institutional education is gearing up for digital acceleration.

As part of KV, I was amidst classmates covering the length and breadth of the country. And in that classroom, my patriotism blossomed. We were bonded by the mantra India with varied cultural backgrounds rooted in different parts of India. KV education system is one of the best and unparalleled with private institutions in my perspective. 

The moment I say 1999, most of us would resonate with Kargil War. My classmate's father bravely fought and laid his life for India. We all as classmates went through a real emotional experience when the news broke. Partly trying to absorb and partly trying to speak something to our friend.

As life have it - I came out of KV, did engg and post-graduation from good institutes albeit without a much-diversified friends’ group. And today in 2020, as I and my husband are upbringing our child from a so-called defined Indian household setup (my husband is part of the majority of millennial group with little or no connection with armed forces), thinking hard on how I should inculcate patriotism in my kid's heart and mind.

International schools (overpaid) with the highest syllabus may still only feed book knowledge about our country which will not suffice. And the surrounding environment will reflect Patriotism as coming together twice in a year for flag hoisting ceremonies and supporting India in sports!

In my view, we the parents and elders in society should take a lead and that too from our homes first. To the younger kids, we could tell recent historical incidents of our armed forces as stories. With the grown-up kids, we can spend their screen time (1/10th) together in watching India's history and pride (it can be about anything/everything about our country)

And for the adults, post watching all the Uri’s / Gazzi’s and patriotic series, do get to know in real what it takes to be part of armed forces even if you are over-qualified by now (in terms of age). Knowledge yourselves and keep sharing in your circles, it will benefit someone and in return all of us.

One thing which this pandemic has thought all of us - anything can happen at any time for anyone.

It's an opportunity for us to act upon and not to pass it to next-gen.

As we celebrate another year into independence, my pledge would be ensuring my kid as he grows, knows the sacrifices of the armed forces towards securing all of us all these years! Jai Hind!

Happy reading…. Stay healthy! Stay Safe!

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