Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sweet Memories Of Bygone Days

In our school and college life,we come across so many people,but out of them only a few are close to us as friends who will be ever ready to come to help us.When I entered into the college,I was bewildered by its vast landscape and massive buildings,I felt lonely,but after joining the college I was lucky to get acquainted with some of my classmates who turned to be a good and sincere friends.In their company my loneliness vanished and felt very happy.During these years our friendship grew stronger and now I am sorry to say that the time has come to port.This is the most sorrowful period.
Friends always come to help us when needed.Our University has given the opportunity to get to know some best friends whom I will always cherish throughout my life.At times we friends had misunderstanding but it did not come in our way of good friendship.We used to forget our differences and moved as one family.These four years we had chit-chats,bunking classes,apologizing,nail biting exam experiences and so..Now we go in different directions and now we are making a resolution that every year on a particular day to meet at a particular place to renew our friendship.
I wish all my friends have prosperity,longevity and good life.It is sorrowful eyes,I bit adieu to all MY LOVING FRIENDS...


  1. ya college frndship is not so easy to forget...i wish u maintain ur frndship throughtout ur life............

  2. I wish our life ahead is as colourful and cheerful as our college life......
