As entered the mall we were so hungry we ate chocolate cake.

Then we roamed each floor and booked the tickets for "RAVANAN" then returned home.Next day was sindhu's birthday we all including the guys went to T.Nagar asusual selection for girls is too big process..Almost we liquidate all the money in purchsing dresses,cosmetics and so...she gave us treat.Then next day we went to spencers and we didn't even buy anything except a single ice cream,it was agian a treat with mutual sharing for lunch,then we went to marina beach..hmmmm commenting and discussing about many issues over there.Next day we doesn't have any plan we thought to go to pondicherry but we can't as we have to reach home by 6.00 pm.so we decided to go to Abirami mall again because it was nearer to our house we had ice cream and so.. then we went for Singam movie there was no other option for us.. then we went to horror house,pencil drawing and so.. we returned home there was a shocking news waiting for us!!!!Aunty said we booked the tickets for RAVANAN any problem for you.We said no problem for us!!! but we too booked the same day for morning show no other go we have to watch it twice.It was vahini's birthday we had the birthday treat in "MarryBrown".

We were so eager to watch the film next day,morning show 8.00am.... "RAVANAN" in our mind gorgeous 'aish' and Usure Pogudhey song were flashing.we entered the theatre "ABIRAMI THE 7 STAR",

We enjoyed a lot,even felt the climatic conditions in the film.Then we went to see our friend who is newly married and had our lunch and went home to see Ravanan again.... Next day we have to leave chennai...Oh!!!!!! certificates??? for the second and the last time we went to company to collect our certificates... It was enjoyable and memorable trip.hmmm there was some comedies and tragedies we had..'it's highly secret between us'.We reached MADURAI-sweet hometown...